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What's New...
In June of 2019, we received a commission, in collaboration with the National Sculptors' Guild, to enlarge the roller skating banana to a 7 foot tall sculpture for an outdoor installation in California. The original 22" sculpture was computer scanned and then CNC carved from Styrofoam into a full 7' size. A mold was made from this, and then an art foundry in Colorado cast them in bronze. The last step is applying the patina.
In the summer of 2020, the finished piece will be installed, just in time for a recovering nation to celebrate the joy and whimsy of "On A Roll".

On A Roll
22" Original Bronze

Styrofoam Banana at 7 Feet

Styrofoam Banana 2nd View

Cast Bronze Bananas

Final Metal Finished

Waiting for the Patina (color)
And then, We Roll...

Completed Patina

She`s ready to roll !
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